

Letter from the Executive Director

EnergyCare is now in a stronger financial position and is helping more and more vulnerable people in St. Louis thanks to supporters like you. As EnergyCare celebrates its 40th anniversary, we are poised to continue delivering on our vial mission. After eight years I will be retiring, and I am working with the board to find the next leader of EnergyCare.


Helping vulnerable, low-income people find safety from extreme temperatures since 1983

EnergyCare promotes healthier, safer home environments and independent living by providing year-round energy-related services in St. Louis communities for low-income households with persons who are elderly, disabled or chronically ill, and young children.

The Need

The people we serve are especially vulnerable to the elements for many reasons: age and health conditions being just the start of the issues they are facing. EnergyCare is an organization that has been focusing on helping people age in place for 40 years. We know that seniors who are able to remain at home and live independently as long as possible are those who have the best health and life expectancy outcomes. Assisting seniors, and people with disabilities and chronic conditions to maintain safe homes, is vital. Over half of the housing stock in the St. Louis region was built before 1940, and many older homes have inefficient insulation – letting in drafts and letting out heat and cool air. As a result, high energy costs are common. The portion of your income you spend on utilities is called “energy burden” in the St. Louis region, low-income households experience energy burdens twice that of wealthier households. Many of our clients live in older homes, brick homes in the city and county, and are struggling to make ends meet on the homes they have worked their entire lives to own. Unable to maintain the homes, and unable to sell to move to a better insulated home, many seniors are left with few options. Some of our clients choose between paying utility bills or filling needed prescriptions. Your support helps keep the lights, heat, and life saving air conditioning on in homes for struggling families and seniors across the St. Louis region.

Electric Heaters and Smoke Alarms Installed
Families Received Electric & Other Blankets
Vulnerable Families Served
Families Received Utility Pledges to Prevent Disconnections.


Families Served This Year

volunteers sealing window

Key Facts

165 households received ACs and 361 individuals received utility assistance. Of those served:

165 households received ACs (336 people), 372 families received winter services, and 361 individuals received utility assistance. 

Of those served:


of clients were able to stay safely cool and warm


have previously been homeless


were struggling with housing costs


have received emergency medical treatment due to exposure to heat


of the housing stock in St. Louis City was built before 1940 making it one of the oldest cities in the U.S.


of low-income households have an energy burden above 14.4%, which is more than 4.5x higher than the median energy burden

Become a Volunteer

Volunteers can help with weatherization of our client homes, preparation of Weatherization kits and direct mailer and lead Weatherization groups. 


Start Donating

We install home weatherization materials, setup portable heaters and electric blankets, or simply give out standard blankets for immediate warmth. For the heat we install window air conditioners.

Become a Volunteer

Volunteers can help with weatherization of our client homes, preparation of Weatherization kits and direct mailer and lead Weatherization groups. 


Start Donating

We install home weatherization materials, setup portable heaters and electric blankets, or simply give out standard blankets for immediate warmth. For the heat we install window air conditioners.