Senior Fund Partnership Expands

volunteers sealing window

As EnergyCare moves forward, the board and staff continue to focus on ways to help prevent our vulnerable clients from going from crisis to crisis because of their energy burden.

As part of this strategy, EnergyCare is expanding our partnership with the St. Louis City Senior Fund. Seniors in the city will benefit from housing crisis interventions (primarily energy assistance to prevent utility disconnections), and by preventative measures (home energy audits, weatherization, energy efficiency measures, and consumer education to implement plans to control utility costs over time). EnergyCare continues to develop a continuum of services for city seniors that is tailored to their individual needs and circumstances. EnergyCare’s services will focus on ways to reduce housing costs for seniors by decreasing their energy burden and utility costs, while promoting the green movement through energy efficiency education.

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Volunteers can help with weatherization of our client homes, preparation of Weatherization kits and direct mailer and lead Weatherization groups. 


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We install home weatherization materials, setup portable heaters and electric blankets, or simply give out standard blankets for immediate warmth. For the heat we install window air conditioners.