In Memoriam: Father Donald Koch

rev koch

EnergyCare recently received generous support in memory of Father Donald Koch from his two sisters. He passed at the age of 89 in 2018 and had been a priest for nearly 60 years. Born April 8, 1929, in St. Louis, he was baptized at St. Agatha Parish. After graduation from Kenrick Seminary in 1960, he was ordained a priest by then-Archbishop Joseph E. Ritter. He wanted EnergyCare to be part of his legacy in St. Louis.


According to his sister, Doris Dresner, “Father Don gave his whole life to his fellow human beings. Even in death, Post Town, Post Code his memory lives on for the amount he has given to numerous charities like EnergyCare. He loved the Lord with all of his being and gave back to Him as his legacy. I loved him so much. I am very proud of him.”

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